
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cycle Update & a Schedule

Looks like things are looking up............YAY....yay...yay (happy dance)
There is goods news, and kiss my a@@ insurance news..

Kiss my a@@ news
I did Lap surgery in prep for this cycle on 7/2. The clinic was kind enough to send me a huge bill of things my insurance WOULD NOT cover yesterday, LOVELY. Me and DH are hoping that they do not require we pay this all off prior to egg transfer, no way we can afford to. Not going to stress it now.....let's not borrow tommorrow's troubles shall we.

Cycle Update/ Schedule & Good News
So my baseline was yesterday, after being on BCP ( Birth Control Pills) since 9/7. The doc said my uterus looks beautiful.......awwwww this made me blush. We did an AFC ( Antral Follicle Count) at leaast 13 on left and at least 6 on the right.....once again I want to kick righty in the ovary, clearly she is completely LAZY. Well I am focusing on lefty and hoping that all works out. They did blood draw to track E2 levels but I told myself I didn't want to let my self go crazy with numbers this cycle, as long they say good or normal I can work with that. DH could not make the appointment so the doctor wanted to know if he could "produce" on demand....I said lots of pressure but I am sure he can. Did you remember in June DH was required, yes REQUIRED to cryo-freeze his sperm for backup when they did the analysis? So I said "won't that be available" and not surprisingly there was silence. I am aware we are being nickel & dimed...I guess I see their position, ladies and gentlemen NOTHING is truly ever free. At the end of this "Free IVF" I will let you know our costs.

Protocol-OCP / Antagonist...which is Oral Contraception Pill Antagonist
I will scan it and create a tab later. I did some research since I wanted to have an idea on what exactly this would all include. Basically stims and then Cetrotride to prevent Ovulation and supposedly this protocol isn't so hard on the body and less this I am excited for.
Looking at this schedule, it shows stim for 6 days then go in for Labs? Yeah am confused too but it also shows from stim to Day 9 for trigger, it also does not include the Cetritide that the doctor ordered. I will ask about that monday, didn't see it until now which sucks I spent 2 hours there which included watching a Follistim video....while I do not plan to focus on numbers, I know I have to be my own advocate, and ensure I am getting the right info. I am not surprised though, there was a review from this clinic and a patient said something along these lines. Meds I do not play around with, also they want me to come in on Stim Day 1 to do the first injections with me. I am not worried nor do I care to do it but might to appease them. I think they have forgotten that I have been through IVF before, albeit MINI with less drugs but still Menopur and me are no strangers, the Gonal F pen looks easy peasy, but we shall see.

Scedule so far
Stop BCP 10/6
Expect menses
10/11 Start Stim ( Gonal F 225 IU & 75 Menopur as well as baby aspirin & antibiotics, and prenatals)
10/17 Labs 7:30 AM
10/20 Tentative Egg Retrieval

**The good thing about this schedule is that I have something to go off of in regards to letting my employer know am out. I am secretly HOPING egg retrieval is on the weekend so no time from work really but eitherway we will have to do what we must, this is more important.**

Update 10/7/2013
Day 2 of Stims start taking antibiotics (Doxycycline) oh how I hate this one, took it just one day post my lap in July and it made me feel awful. I know we will have to take with food to minimize the side effects.....and yeah you read right both me and DH will be taking them for 10 days. DH thinks it is a great plan. I don't know how I feel about it, I guess it doesn't matter as long as it helps, besides if it will minimize any infections during Egg Retrieval then bring it on. I have to remind myself to drop this off at the pharmacy.

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