
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Appt I could have done without

Here's how it went down.....


Anxiously I awaited my first prenatal visit, full of excitement, nervousness and anticipation but was met with somewhat of a flat feeling when I left.

First let's talk about the wait, okay it was only 30 minutes but still, the nurse had me pee in a cup to confirm I was pregnant...hmmm has anyone lied about being pregnant to see the doctor? Sorry that cynical thought did run across my mind while I peeing in the cup I know it is procedure. Anyway nurse lady was calculating my due date and did it based on a 3 day IVF transfer and she came up with 11/24/2012 to which she sweetly mumbled that it will be more accurate when I do my first U/S ( no shit sherlock). Again it was NOT her fault, I was kinda cranky from waiting was all. It went on to her telling me she has no idea what a blastocyst was..... WHAT?, whether I did an embryo transfer or not that is something I would presume you would know working in an OB/GYN's office and seeing a parade of pregnant women. OMG the thought hit, does she know where babies come from? :-) I should probably give her one of my pregnancy books.

I was being nice until she scarcastically said wow why go to NYC you do know we do IVF in FL to which I flippantly said "Well it was free, thats right FREE IVF, so it worked for me". Yep that shut her up while she went over and typed up some notes but she got me good, she made me get on the scale, my arch nemesis... ( expletives were floating in my head) BUT I am a christian woman, and trying to become a more understanding person, so I know that I have to curb my language, (says the woman that sometimes when extremely angry blurts a few expletives), HEY I AM HUMAN, a God fearing and loving human but HUMAN none the less..not perfect.

Okay went into the Doctors chambers to talk, I wasn't happy I was not shown to a medical room but whatever. His office is expansive and really lovely south florida views, reall tranquil, the chairs were comfy, I had a nice view and was about to dose off when he walks in. CRAP !!!

Hey how are you, how can I help you. Of course I couldn't resist and so I said read your chart. He switched gears and told me how lovely I looked, yeah right....I had the worst hair day from hell but nice try. Anyway all in all he was telling me the brown spotting was normal, that it could be a miscarriage yep fun stuff that is exactly what I wanted to do pay a co-pay to be scared half to death. He said he knows how much I want this and goes on to reiminsce about my damage tubes and him finding it....okay I allowed him the memory lane thing and at the end of it he then told me some other scary stuff that my Beta should be 3200 on thursday and that he will schedule an U/S friday and then a follow up immediately, hhhhmmm.

So in a nut shell, the Appt let me feeling flat and him dropping the M word twice didnt go over well with me. He didnt ask me how I was eating but he did ask me if I was tired and if my boobs hurt. He didnt offer me any books ( I already have 2) and he didnt ask me or offer to write me a script for prenatals so as the title says... THIS WAS AN APPT I COULD HAVE DONE WITHOUT.

My next beta is 3/22 and I cannot wait, I am still sleepy, boobs hurt and itch. I read somewhere that itching causes stretch marks so lately I have been applying Cocoa butter cream and NO it doesnt really help so I will move on to the oil and vitamin E oil. These are the little things I think of to remain positive that my baby is growing and getting comfy in mommy.
Today I could be 5w1d, 5w3d or for some 5w5d. I am completely confused and cannot wait to get a more accurate time. I am in an exceptionally chipper mood today. Yesterday I made the decision to stop freaking myself out about what i am feeling and what I am NOT feeling, just to enjoy the ride.

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