
Sunday, July 7, 2013


Not sure if any one else is on it, has heard of it or used on their IVF journey but I decided to use it a little over a month ago. ROYAL JELLY AND BEE POLLEN in Honey, along with baby aspirin, prenatals, & folic acid occassionally drinking wheatgrass.

With me everything is usually Gung-Ho, at first and then of course I start slacking, a BAD habit but I do get bored easily with repetition, blah blah. OCD perhaps? Not sure but anyway this is what I started to do and will continue to do...I THINK. Actually let me give you the breakdown.

The middle of May I started on wheatgrass drinks, I blend my own at home after buying my grass from Whole Foods and YES it is very expensive if I keep this as a regular habit. I ran out and I haven't gotten more but I probably will today or tomorrow. If you are interested The Royal Jelly is sold at the Vitamin shop for $20 and lasts for a month, the first three weeks I was taking it like clock work around the last week or so though I did it maybe once a day or when I remembered but at the moment the jar has been empty for a week and I will start again tommorrow and probably until the start of the next IVF cycle or until I offically start with stims-supposedly you should take it ideally for 3 months to see a difference. At my last AFC count around cycle day 12 in June I had about 32 all together with my Left Ovary being the rock star my right apparently is a little lazy.

DO NOT GET ME WRONG- I am not into gimmicks or quick fixes but if you were to read the reviews it is supposed to be good for AFC, and I read a forum where it helped with egg quality and I thought why the heck not. I was never told I had an issue with either but there are some things I did notice from my MINI IVF cycle fall 2011. On that cycle while the average person had about 5 eggs retrieved, we only had 3, but ended up with 1 blast. The other girls in the forum had about 5-6 on average so it had me thinking, perhaps I needed to do all I can wth quantity and quality. I KNOW this may not have been the only contributing factor, I also remember being told my hormones were wacky but I still test normal even with this RE, wacky related to I was shut down too much on birth control pills, I ovulated too soon in my cycle or too late, and also that it took awhile to respond to the low stims and clomid. The Ultrasound tech in FL (at that time)  saw so many small follies that wouldn't go past a certain point with the menopur, but from the beginning that same dominant follie that while it did respond to the low stims still was basically doing what it would of done on its own naturally. By the time I went to NYC for the retrieval it basically was the one that kept on, our little engine that could, that tried, even after weeks of nothing on U/S the week before my D & C is when they finally saw a Yolk Sac...hmmmmm I think there may be something to that Uterine Septate maybe? WHo knows...perhaps I am just being hopeful, perhaps I should stop rambling and get back to Royal Jelly? OK.

Anyway if I haven't bored you to tears, please go to Dr. Google and research IVF & Royal Jelly and draw your own conclusion. If you had or will use it please tell me your experiences. I planned cycle should be starting with my AF (Aunt FLO) coming August, so the sooner the better.

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