
Friday, June 28, 2013

We're all a go.....I think?

First the good news, heard from the insurance company that told me that the RE's office only just sent them the pre-authorization paper work the day before........are you surprised? Nope not me however I was surprised to get a followup call from the RE's office todat...**gasp*...without me calling them first...**gasp**....oh my. Anyway I guess it is a go for 7/2.

Now the bad news-DH will not be able to be with me or take me home after the procedure...I am still thinking about putting it off until the following week. He will be home later that same day BUT I think it is such a personal situation NOT to mention private so I cannot ask anyone to get me or to stay with me. He did tell his friend...which I am sure he did not think through since he will CLEARLY see the name of the practice and what they do on the building, in the waiting room, etc....oh well I guess you cannot win them all. I guess we will figure it out by monday either it is a go or I reschedule for the following week when he is home. I would rather to do it and get it over it though. We shall see, I did the procedure before and the first day is the worse with the pain and walking etc...I remember by the second or third day I was walking just about fine and then by he 5th day I was pretty much back to normal just slow walking for a few days. :-)
The RE said we would cycle 6 weeks after the Lap/Hyst...he said Sept/Oct. I am still adamant about not having my tubes removes unless they are deemed extremely useless and sucturing will not be beneficial to me.

TLC a baby story....
After the D&C last year I stayed clear of everything baby related as much as I can which is pretty difficult. Anyway I left the channel on TLC while I was cleaning and the show started, I didn't change it and the story was of a couple that had to use IVF to get pregnant and of course you get to go through the emotions with the couple while in Labor & Delivery, it was nice to see the love and support they received from their families. Nice touch on that TLC, not everyone can just "RELAX" and let it happen.

Then I found out something else, last year a friend of mine (call her T) and I were preggers at the same time and suffered miscarriages at the same time..yeah ODD right?. I had a D&C and she went the natural route. I told her about my loss after she told me hers via just never know...BUT what are the ODDS that things would align in such a manner. ( AGAIN, no one knows our struggle with Infertility or have done and will be doing IVF, for now it is just our personal pain but I am sure people have figured perhaps we are having an issue getting pregnant)...actually I did tell 1 person but she is such a good source it is like talking to myself so she doesn't count and besides I was extremely vague that she isn't sure what really it all entails, just that we went to a specialist in NYC, we did a treatment I got pregnant and then had a miscarriage.  Why am I going on and on about T?  well I didn't hear from her since my wedding, looking at the pictures she looked...sort of glowing...come to find out.. She was pregnant and suffered an early loss around my wedding ( she emailed me this info and my heart broke). WTFudge right? Anyway I guess all in all with my whining about the cycle and pre-starting and the tests, this journey is so hard, while she has no problems getting pregnant on her own seemingly, now she will need to find out why she has early sad and I pray that she is able to get her answers. Another friend I will call her H, she confided that she went on clomid and after trying naturally with her hubby, she lost the desire..I tried to sell her on going to a specialist and trying other tests, such as HSG, etc but she said "its too hard, I hate this, I don't even care anymore," that broke my heart too, I want to tell her look you are 32 do it NOW, time is not on your side onces you get to 35. I am 33 and 34 looms in 2 months...I know my chances decrease each day, each year... ok enough of the rambling...

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