
Monday, January 15, 2018

35 & 36 Weeks, FMLA Signed

Written 1/12/2018
Image result for 36 weeks

Looks like I am behind and did not get a chance to catch up on the 35th week.
The good news while we have a slow start we have started to get the nursery sorted out.

Today I am 36w4d and found out 3 days ago at my Prenatal/NST appointment that I am 1 cm dilated and her head is down. My tummy hasn't dropped yet though so not sure & not worried. This week brought more of the same, lots of Braxton Hicks, some round ligament pain, cramping, and some nerve pain in my lower back. <– Not fun! I grunt & groan when I try to turn over and thankfully sometimes hubby is awake to help me because it is hard to move.  still can’t believe that in just a few weeks we’ll be adding a permanent new member to the family. This year has been surreal, and I still haven’t wrapped my head around what’s about to happen! I imagine I won’t truly comprehend it until I’m holding her. Or when we go home and it’s just us, ha!

The room is painted, the crib is all set, the hospital bag is packed but needs a few more things and I have some appointments coming up.

On another note- I am training my replacement for maternity leave and he is sick. It is hard not to be around him but I am starting to feel sniffly because he has to sit next to me and use my keyboard. I am taking vitamin C, drinking orange juice and cleaning my hands as often as possible. Work is starting to piss me off, or rather being here is getting more stressful. I am actually thinking about telling them I will be leaving in 2 weeks, unless I go before then.

As for return, I am seriously contemplating NOT returning. I am not so sure I will want to deal with the stresses as a new mom and then this job. I have a lot to think about because financially I have to work. FMLA is signed and the doctor put from 6-12 weeks. I have to give updates at 6 weeks, then 8, then 10 I believe in order to keep my job.

Image result for 36 weeks

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