
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Post Op & Heart Uterus

I am still sore but wanted to document my surgery and post op in the event someone will need the info later on or someone who is on the IVF journey.

7/2-Day of Surgery...we woke up and got ready for the hour drive. I was nervous as expected but did my best to remain as calm and positive as almost went completely to hell as I walk in the procedure area on the first floor and see a woman recovering, and looked so pale and out of it. YEP there goes my nerves. So they ushered me to the restroom to get changed, get me prepped and on my bed as I await my fate  turn. I see someone being wheeled out from recovery that moment I seriously thought of getting dressed and running out of there but instead I prayed and asked God for peace. The Doctor came over, asked if I was ok, told me his plans and I said ok. I didn't whine, didn't tell him don't take my tubes out...nothing I just said see remember I had prayed for peace and even though I was nervous I was at peace.....hard to explain. ANYWAY:-) the anesthesiologist came in, told me what was to come, pretty soon I went into the procedure room, about almost died from being overwhelmed and then woke up with the tremendous urge to pee and of course being sore and the doctor talking to me while I am trying to come out of it ( my thoughts-why are you talking to me?). So I head home, starving, ate and this is where it went down hill and fast.
I threw up ALL night and then ALL wednesday..DH was so nervous and we contemplated taking me to the hospital.
In the end, the Doc phoned in Zofran for the nausea, and I came around by 4th of July.

7/5-Follow up post op. He removed the foley catherer ( hated that crap) and dropped a bomb on me...
Dr: You had a septate uterus  and I repaired it,
Me: Uhhmm what? What are you talking about
Dr: Well the good news is I did not remove your tubes, I told your husband after your surgery that I did not have to remove your tubes, they were medium damaged so I re-opened them and suctured them back, ( looking at the photos he did a good job).
Me: ( inwardly stating) Thank. You.  GOD
Dr: But I noticed that you had a heart shape uterus and there was a uterine septate that shows that there was no blood flow at that spot, this is probably what caused your miscarriage, it typically causes miscarriages and I amd happy I found it. Anyway expect to cycle within 6-8 weeks in the meantime take the Estrace as prescribed, see you in a month to make sure you are healing. Take care.
Me: OK

What did you notice? He didn't call me Maam YAY....anyway as if the IF road is not crazy enough now I have a heart shape UTE and busted tubes that won't pick up DH's sperm even if we were to "chance it". I am remaining positive, there are enough negatives to think about so why worry....just enjoying my road to recovery and counting down the days. In the meantime I plan to loose some weight, remain postive, keep posting on my daily activities and oh yeah try to figure out WHERE in the heck we will get the funds for the MEDS. After going over 1 hump there is always another. I leave you with a picture from Dr.Google for your viewing pleasure.

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