Around this time of the year I am super & seriously BUSY.
This is just a quick short post on progress...
There is none....I will do the testing etc. after the holidays, it is way too stressful at work & I have no time. They have been sending me information on what they need so that is great news. All of the information is on the patient portal which I must remind my self to check daily. Obviously while cycling I will be more on top of it but for isn't a big deal..well not for me.
Anyway back to whining-I am incredibly busy plus family are coming in and I don't want them in our private affairs.
AT first I was planning to cycle in January but truthfully I think I will do it in February.
I have been eating bad & forgetting to take my vitamins. Since I plan to fix that nonsense then hopefully it will make a difference. They are now right on my night stand can't miss them.
We are paying 100% out of pocket so it is best to be sure and ready than rushed & regretful.
My very first acupuncture was Friday and it was good. I was a nervous and barely felt a thing.
It was really relaxing and his track record helped me settle down. According to him and his wall he has gotten lots of women pregnant plus he came highly recommended.
Truthfully it is not the most fun I have ever had but if it will help why not.
The cost will be substantial if I go weekly as he suggested so I will for 4v weeks and then every 2 weeks until stims ( 6-8 weeks total estimate) however my meds come first.
Technically we really can not afford this so I will stretch my already thin funds thinner just to get prepped & will stop if I cannot swing it.
I might definitely sell allot of my possessions on EBay to get some more $$$$ in.
I have a love/hate relationship with the holiday season but I won't get into that today. I will save
that post for when it is all over & I can breathe.