As excited as I was to get the consultation it is actually quite odd that now that I have instructions I haven't done anything with them. **Sigh**. I don't have a reason for my procrastination,.... ok perhaps I do.
After my D&C in 2012 I sort of stopped seeing my regular OB/GYN and have been seeing just a Gynecologist at Cleveland clinic instead. It is a big network and I just wanted to be a number & no longer a familiar face, didn't want the empathy or anyone feeling sorry for me, I wanted to be unknown. I was with my OB for almost 10 years and he is so kind but I associate him with that loss and I am not sure I can ever go back to that place.....
** My feelings are completely irrational. They were very nurturing and was rooting for me but they handled the end and I just couldn't face them again. Obviously I probably shouldn't fee this way but I 100% do.**
Anyway some of the work up in the portal requires another Saline Sonogram and and a Hysteroscopy so where do I go from here? I can either book local with a new place or to Albany and I have been dragging my feet.
The instructions are dated 11/21 it's 9 days later and too late in my cycle anyway. Alas it will be accomplished, I will get this done some time in December. My plan is to cycle in January but I am not against pushing it back to February if we must. I have been out of Ubiquinol for a week again just so lazy but I ordered through Amazon prime so in 2 days to get it going.......
I plan to send them the genetic testing I did so those are not repeated. Hubby is not excited for another semen analysis but hey....this is where we are.
1. Expect people to say stupid insensitive things
2. Have faith in the process but expect setbacks
3. Resist the temptation to over analyze every detail of your treatment cycle
4. Keep living my life, save, travel on a budget ( local if we must), see friends ( connect/ reconnect)
5. Blog more, read a few more books,
6. Learn to stay positive and just let it go.
7. Have plans set in place for Plan A or B, or C ( God please let me not need any of them beyond A)