
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

1dp5dt---thought I would share

First let me say I stayed home today, not for the sake of the 2 days bedrest recommended by the nurse even though I basically lounged around, but mainly because my boss thought I should. They know NOTHING of what I am doing, she just knows I had a procedure. I had a nosy co-worker asked me bluntly last thursday why I was out ( ER Day) and I said well it was nothing major, she insisted so I said well I have pain in my sides and that satisfied her. While I did not really lie, I was evasive. I actually had some pulling but it is due to my enlarged ovaries.

Yesterday I felt some cramping, and some dull ones way to early for implantation so when the spirit of worry crept in I prayed and put on QVC. I am guessing it is due to the catheter used or my still swollen ovaries. I WILL NOT WORRY.

Anyway  I thought I would share this link..
Even though I did not need validation I thought it was important to share. The week my BFF found out she was 8 weeks pregnant, she had spent time in vegas drinking, we did pole fitness classes, she carried a heavy pole  and bags, you name it and guess what. NO DANGER to baby PLUS she did not know she was pregnant. I think it is important that we understand that there is nothing we can do, and no amount of laying down can guarantee a pregnancy.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Transfer Day and no frosties

So we had our embryo transfer today. Got there at 8:15, and had to empty my bladder LOL couldn't take it and then started to refuel..( brought Gatorade). Anyway the embryologist called us back to review the embryos, one page had 2 perfect blasts and the other a bunch of others, my guess is 6-8.

He said well these are your two blasts and the others are not viable, and won't make it to freeze so will be discarded, we were not given grades or even a picture but from my research on Dr. Google I saw no fragmentation and quite frankly wont drive myself crazy thinking about it. He spoke quickly ( think salesman), shoved a paper in front of us to sign and was off. I said to my husband " But there are others on the paper that look like blasts too" my husband said well he is the professional and we only need 1 which is true but at the end of the day  I AM NOT CONVINCED, not in the least bit. (more on this later)

Not our Blasts just an example of what blasts look like for those who need to know

The Transfer
This part went smoothly and overall it was not too bad, uncomfortable yes, and I didn't have to fill up my bladder too much, THANK GOD. My favorite nurse assisted the doctor and we got a picture of our little ones aka peanut butter & jelly. Even though I wanted to pee like crazy, they said I need to lay there for 15 minutes, I overachieved and went to 20. When I went to pee, boy was I there long. Anyway I am currently in bed, bored, taking it easy, but going out of my mind. This bed rest thing is driving me nuts. Yeah am definitely heading to work tommorrow. I mean my last cycle-even though I had a miscarriage, I was up and in Manhattan in NYC, got on the subway and then bus BEFORE I got to rest and the next day spent it walking the city. I will take it easy but it won't matter \one way or the other. Also my lining was 15MM and he said I could do the PIO shots.............YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY........
Beta is 11/7th and I have plenty to keep me busy..I hope I can remain as I am today,m prayerful, thankful, blessed and hopeful.

Back to the Embryologist- We were just there Sunday, I had so many even further than 8 cell, while yes it could be true that the rest are not viable, for some reason I just didn't believe it.
There lab-perhaps?
It's free so they are doing the bare minimum-Well the thought crossed my mind but SART numbers would affect them so...hmmmm not sure
Is it because he didn't show them to us and covered the paper and then took it when he walked out for a minute without actaully "SHOWING" us them-DING DING DING. This was the face I gave DH

A disclaimer for the winning of this cycle states " The doctor can cancel the cycle at any time without explanation". This was the reason I didn't think too much of it but nobody wants to hear..."oh we will discard the rest, they won't be viable and able to freeze".  Something inside me told me it just was not true...I could be wrong, or in denial but my intuition tells me I am dead on. Anyway send up your prayers for our implanted embies. I have no fear and anxiety, I suppose what will be will be. How I will feel in another week I am not sure but for good. I better get back to "resting"

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cycle Update

Just some random facts

So we drove an hour to our clinic this morning our appt was at 7:45 am, sat down for 10 or maybe 15 mins before the Doctor over the Embryology dept called us back to inform us that we still have quite a few embryos still going strong, including 7 that were fertilized normally ( they didn't do ICSI) on. He told us we can go home and the transfer will be on Tuesday. So it appears a 5 day blastocyst transfer it is. 

As we were walking to the elevator, a lady walked up to us ( I have seen in her the waiting room every time I am there). She asked how my cycle was and I said ok but I have to come back Tuesday, I mentioned I hate Endometrin and she said she was taking it and her lining is only 5. She asked me what was mine and I replied 10, which it was when they last checked on Tuesday. I felt so bad for her, she looked crushed, she said well they plan to freeze them and do another cycle. I wanted to just shake myself, I felt TERRIBLE for saying my last lining number, just should have been evasive, but DH said I am being too hard on myself, he pointed out " she bluntly asked and you had no choice" I still feel terrible but I say a prayer for her and myself for a successful cycle. I see the hurt in her eyes, I know that hurt. This time around I seriously have given it to God, so no worrying for me, it won't change the outcome. I have claimed the victory on this.

 I did tell DH I am very concerned that I started progesterone support 2 days after ER (most people start the same day) but my biggest concern is not being able to really push the Endometrin in. I hate them but I will deal with it for now and not complain. I have nothing exciting happening right now really. Taking my medrol as prescribed.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fert Report

Well of the 29 Eggs retrieved, the Doctor called to tell me that 21 Fertilized normally and doing great. I was advised that a nurse will call me today with instructions to come in Sunday. He said they want us in on Sunday to prepare for a 3 day transfer but more than likely it will be tuesday for a 5 day. While I am not ecstatic for a 3 day transfer as I know from past experience that a 5 day embryo is stronger most times, well according to New Hope in New York, but I know that LOTS of women get pregnant on 3 day transfers... I am excited, praying and hoping that we have 2 great blasts to transfer on tuesday and also the funds to pay for freezing as I am already "believing" that we WILL have great frosties. In the event we will need to either do this again or for siblings.

At the moment I am at work but slightly sore, still bloated, still chugging Gatorade. The more I pee the better I feel. My tummy is swollen though, 3 months pregnant, but that was since the night prior to transfer and no weight gain so am fine. I will update tommorrow once I get the other call on how they are doing, and tommorrow I start Edometrin ( YUCK), Medrol and Estrace.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Egg Retrieval Day....they got...

29 EGGS....I am completely surprised and blown away. I swear Doctor A only counted maybe 10-15 during the monitoring appointments I have been to, and 15 is being generous on my part. As a matter of fact I was and AM still only slightly bloated, but to be honest it feels more gassy ( sorry TMI) than anything else. I know that all won't be mature but still I was NOT expecting that. I have been alternating between Powerade, Gatorade, and Coconut Water all day, I am not sure if I am at risk but I am taking all precautions to avoid OHSS.

The procedure was painless and quick but I was out like a light. Everyone was nice and my favorite nurse wheeled me out to the car, Nurse S. We were out by 11:15 which is later than anticipated but hey it all went well over all. No one mentioned anything about freezing and the money but I hope they call tomorrow with great fertilization news. We will cross all the other bridge when we get there and just take it one day at a time...

Okay heading to bed now....I really didn't rest up like I should have today but did take it easy on the couch for the rest of the day. Keep us in your prayers for a great fert report.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pre-Egg Retrieval Rant

As I noted in my intro to the right we won a free IVF cycle since May and are just cycling and about to embark on ER tommorrow. We feel blessed and since Insurance does not cover any of this, doubly blessed for this opportunity and our luck; however I was well prepared to have to deal with some BS along the way and we have and not surprised by it, it's life. At the end of the day, the good far outweigh the bad.

Begin Rant

But today kind of took the cake enough for me to blog about it. I get a call at 1 today advising me that when I come in the morning I will need to pay $900 upfront if we have any embryos for freezing..... WHAT? I bluntly told the nurse, are you kidding me? We will NOT have $900 in the morning and why are we JUST being told this now? She rambled something off and said well the Doctor asked me to call you and tell you today. At first I was pissed ( wait I still kind of am), I called DH and let him know and he said well don't you have faith, perhaps it won't be an issue after all. Well it is an issue for me..$900 is not a lot of money but at the same time it is when it is NOT available. If we were told a head of time, oh I don't know, perhaps in May, June, July, August, September and oh yeah the beginning of the cycle to expect this cost then it wouldn't be a problem but to call us less than 24 hours of ER to tell us this now is HIGHLY ridiculous and crazy. Per DH when we get there they will either work with us on a 2 payment plan or not at all and thats that but I am royally pissed. Why do this to people at the last minute? I realize it is a FREE cycle, one we won, that was being offered but what I did not mention was prior to us actually winning this cycle, we consulted there because we were going to finance this. At the end of this I planned to provide the break down of the cost of our "FREE IVF CYCLE" as nothing is ever truly free, even the beginning monitors I had to pay co-pay with my retrospect this cycle was not entirely free just cheaper than it would have been had we paid all together and upfront to start. I have decided to let it go, pray and will let God handle this situation and like DH said, "they will either work with us or they won't," I am just flabbergasted that someone would call at the last minute to tell us this but hey....such is life, and it could be worse, and you know what I am preparing for worse when I get there so I am not surprised when we get there.

I am grateful and thankful for this journey, it is our next shot and we pray "THE SUCCESSFUL" shot but a back up plan would be fantastic. Thankful for nurse S that has been so kind and patient with me through all of this. I pray that it works out that we get to freeze some and if not then, I guess not. No need to stress this...the devil is a liar and what will be will be.

End Rant

**Side Note**
I am bloated and can definitely feel my ovaries and cannot wait for them to get these follies out, here's to a great day tommorrow with nothing but smooth sailing. If you come across this please keep us in your prayers.


We triggered it's 12:30 am Wednesday with 7500 IU of Novarel HCG and I am currently super sleepy  but here's a quick recap of the prior day. My final monitor check was yesterday ( Tuesday morning @ My lead follicle was 27MM, a fee 20's and a few 19's with still a few 16's, 17's and even 10's.....those lazy follies..LOL-overall I think 12-14 follies were announced out loud. I was given  a prescription for after ER of Estrace and Medrol.....transfer set for thursday 10/24 @ 9:00 am.
Doctor A asked if I was in pain and to be honest no....I am bloated but not really uncomfortable...weird. I was told that depending on my blood results it is very possible I would trigger with Lupron ( did not have) and would have to pick up at the local specialty pharmacy for $200. Lupron trigger is typically used to prevent OHSS....uhhhmmmm WHAT. I am all for this but why not say it earlier just in case...the thought of the $100 Novarel going down the drain is unsettling, I called DH and he basically said ( which is true) what difference does it make? Even if we have to get the $200 shot at this point there is nothing we can do but go with it. He was right and we would gladly pay it to get to the next phase. Anyway trigger done, bum slightly sore.
Nurse called I am to trigger with HCG, ( Praise God), at 7500 IU, everything is a go and E2 is 5254. I will do everything I can to avoid OHSS. Promptly after ER I will get some Gatorade and start the protein...I should go to sleep. Long day ahead..

Monday, October 21, 2013

Stim Day 9 Check

Stim  Day 9, Monitor check #2

So yesterday ( Sunday morning)  I had my second monitor check and things are good per the doctor , but I sense while good they are not great. My E2 is 2350, which is good since it almost tripled from 3 days prior but I have just 1 at 20mm; I have maybe 2 at 17, a few 15’s & 16’s but still 13’s, 14’s and quite a bit under 10. WHAT? Still under 10…Geesssshhh.  All in all I think 8-10 measurable follies for the count today.  I am trying not to freak out and worry about it. My lining is 10. I will be stimming for 2 more days  lowering the Gonal-F from 225 to 188 and upping the Menopur from 75 IU    to 150 IU     for 2 nights. I started the Cetrotide last night so I have 2 more nights to go on that one. It did not sting as I was ex  pecting from all the things I read online….it felt no different than  the Menopur that also has not stung.

My nex  t check is Tuesday 10/ 22; trigger the same day and Egg R   etrieval 10/ 24th  this is all pending a good ultrasound Tuesday. I am PRRIAYNG that many of the follies catch up within the 2 days of additional stimming. I am fine with at least 20 follies but a minimum of 12 mature so we can work with. I know most women would want much more but 12 GOOD ones is fine with us..that is 6 tries ( if we put 2 in and if they are all good enough to freeze) I want this to work on the first go though…I would do it all over again if I had to but would prefer NOT to.  I am ready for the nex  t phase….I am ready to be pregnant and then mommy.

Today I saw  an  acquaintance I haven’t seen for 4 months and she is very pregnant and invited me and DH to her baby shower in 2 weeks….OUU   CH.   I am happy for her but my first thoughts were just great and here I still am..not pregnant…but then I thought come on follies grow…I need YOU    now more than ever to be healthy, do what you need to do inside my body , and be healthy most of all.  I guess I would feel better if  by the time she gave birth I am pregnant…please let this be true. Please let my Christmas gift to my family this year be me being healthy, and pregnant with twins.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

1st Monitor Check

Today I had Stim Day 6 check & Ultrasound
Dr. A did my ultrasound this morning and he seemed pleased with the results but wants my follies bigger. My lining was 8.3 mm, which he said was "great." Since I had many follicles, all about the same size, this was considered to be good too.

Follies show anywhere from 7 to 13 mm or was there a 14 in there too? Hmmm honestly I cannot remember but 11’s-12’s were the average. He was calling out numbers to the nurse and it was going too fast I couldn’t catch on…but the shocker is that majority of them were in Righty……yeah I called her lazy at baseline check 10/4th and I guess I should take it back, lefty is now the one lagging behind. I guess they don’t work well together? LOL I am trying to keep a positive attitude about all of this otherwise I will worry, ok who am I kidding? I did worry, prayed and then felt peace and when I feel worry try to creep in again, I keep my thoughts occupied with thoughts of strollers, maternity clothes, and the changes my body is going through with these meds.
Anyway the original “planned ER” was Tuesday 10/22 (this was news to me) however the doctor said based on what the results are today for my E2 he “may” have me start on Cetrotide Saturday night, but for sure he thinks I will be doing an additional day of Stims ( I had to have them order from Freedom) and also he said he is now looking at Thursday 10/24th. I suppose he wanted me to stop stims Sunday night but I will have to do Monday and then ER will be Wednesday or Thursday I will know more Sunday, the irony is I barely have any bloat but I think by Sunday I may be singing another tune….grow follies grow.
My next monitoring appointment is bright and early Sunday morning @ 7:15 am WTH!
I am so glad that I have a lot of work to do right now. It's the only thing that is keeping me sane.
I will update more later with the E2 levels once the nurse calls.

E2 is 872 and the nurse said that is great at this will Yay Yay...I am slightly, very slightly bloated.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

100th POST...Woo Hoo

It's my 100th POST...and I have absolutely nothing interesting to say so I will just update on Stim Day 2-3 ( Saturday and Sunday) and then answer the 50 questions below so you can know me a little more.

Stim Day 2- Did okay....panicked a little
Not too bad, it was Zen DH was not there, I worried I mixed the wrong dose and had a slight panic attack when it was time to stick myself....and of course who showed up at 4:00 am...why AF of course...

Stim Day 3-Better and I cheated!
Again still nervous the meds look so very little and I did not prime the second gonal f pen as a result I heard less clicks when it was going into the menopur but I won't worry about it...why? tonight Day 4, I plan to empty the Gonal F pen completely.
My dose is 225 iu and the menopur is 75 iu...they give a little extra in the pen, this is not to go against the doctor  but I just want to be sure I am doing this all right and if I did less lastnight then it will be made up today..
cheat? I still had some numbing cream from the PIO shots I did last year with the mini ivf...I felt nothing :-) no pinch...nada.. DH not present.

Updated 10/15/13-
Stim Day 4 (Monday)-DH is back
Enough said?...LOL okay he was not as bad as stim night 1, he was great at the actual injection but he really thinks I am dosing incorrectly. I am certain I am not but he is making me really nervous and doubt myself and of course I wasted some of it but I am sure it is fine....and if you are thinking I should call the nurse it is fine, she called me first thing 10/14/13 to see how everything is and confirmed the doses...I am not "feeling" my ovaries yet, slightly bloated but I am also on my cycle so not sure which is causing it.

12 Things about me:
1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Yep a tennis player
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? I don't know...been awhile am not a cryer
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? yes, print & cursive
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Not as much as I use to
9. PINK or RED? Pink all the way
10.FAVORITE FOOD? Seafood, thai cusine
11.ARE YOU ALWAYS LATE OR EARLY? Always running late or close to it
12. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE? Travel the world and have kids

Friday, October 11, 2013

Stim Day 1...........TRAUMA

Just as the title was Traumatic, not because of needle fear, not because I was nervous about using the wrong doses, because of......................DH yelling at me that I was doing it wrong ( I wasn't) and making an already stressful situation worse....I will be happy to do the shots ALONE. He can do my PIO as he did on our mini cycle, clearly multi mixing makes him crazy. Truthfully he stuck me with the needle tonight and it was seamless but the anxiety, the yelling,
honey, smooches.

So what caused the dilemna?
It's simple really my husband is nuts..(not really) the doctor asked that we mix the Gonal-F into the came easy for me....DH on the other hand was convinced ( rightly so I suppose in hindsight, he was watching the videos and saw differently) that it should go directly in my stomach. Keep in mind "I" am the one the nurse gave the directions to, the one the nurse called, the one she confirmed with 3 times how this is to be administered, the one who even went on CNY youtube channels to see...why yes it can be mixed. Anyway first stick over and done with...and so is my sanity...even if the dose was off, screw it for now...for the next few days am doing it ALONE with soothing spa music in the background and my crazy husband....AWAY from me.

In other news  AF isn't here, but per the doctor at the baseline to start stims anyway. I suspect it may be here in any day now....I was VERY nervous being on birth control because I took them for 2 weeks with the mini ivf 2011, and it seriously quieted down my body way too much. Anyway I cannot worry about it
now...onward and upward...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2 more days.........

To start stimming...... YAY...still not sure if I will go to the clinic for the demo, it's an hour away and to take more time out of work just for that doesn't make sense to me. There are video's out there, besides while it's been 2 years since we did the Mini and we are rusty, this isn't our first rodeo. We will suck it up and get it right, we watched the last ones over and over before we did the first stick, we will start tonight.

No sign of AF yet but I wasn't holding my breath either. Today I ordered a few more meds, the HCG trigger, the progesterone and more syringes they are scheduled to be here friday.
The ONLY med pending on the list is the Endometrin. I can order that even the day before needed. I like that with Freedom Pharmacy, they ship Fedex Overnight for FREE. Considering all that we have to deal with, this is awesome.

I am SUPER jealous of DH he gets Monday off (Columbus Day) :-/ wish I could get the same, would love an extended weekend for some much needed R & R.

Just 2 more days and I am excited, nervous, happy, crazy, anxious, and worried all at once.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


 Spoke with my favourite nurse this morning, Nurse S.  She is so awesome and easy to deal with. Anyway regaring my concerns..
1. Cetrotide not on the schedule yet until my hormones show when to add them
2. Order both Endometrin and in Oil, the doctor prefers the suppository....crap... oh well perhaps I am jumping a head of myself to even worry about it, not that I am not going into to this with lots of faith and positivity.
3. What was the 3rd again...LOL oh yeah the time it takes to monitor, this is how they do it....O.K.A.Y. again not going to worry about it. Just going to pray I respond well to the meds I am prescribed and have lots of healthy embies....

I keep having broken sleeps the last several nights, it is a side effect of the BCP, I stopped that Sunday but I am sure it will take a few days to get out of my system but the CO-Q10 Ubiquinol probably is the one doing it as well. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO terrible at taking it. I probably do 1 100mg pill in the morning with breakfast every now and again when I feel like it. The positive thing is honestly it gives me so much energy throughout the day....I think it is a great supplement to take, it does say not while pregnant though.

Not much else to report...AF "should" be here tommorrow but I won't hold my breath.....since her long delay after my Lap surgery 7/2....she at the moment is unpredictable...but we shall see. Supposedly she should arrive 3-5 days after the BCP.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Kicking Rocks

Stopped BCP last night as the schedule says.
I emailed the RE's office this morning for my 3 concerns confirmations below...just waiting to hear back to put my mind at ease.
1.)  I start stimming 10/11 and do not go in for monitoring until 10/17th is this accurate? 6 days of monioring with absolutely no scans or bloodtests until day 7 when I will be doing the others?
2.) Also I noticed that my schedule DID NOT include cetrotide so waiting to hear on that too, from lurking on forums, posts and blogs most peoples start Cetrotide Day 5-Day 6 of stimming, I won't see them until Day 7 but the morning after doing Day 6 of stimming.
3.) Do I need to use both Endometrin and Progesterone in Oil. I would RATHER the oil and no messy pessy thanks

Let's see what I find out...according to this schedule, AF should be here on wednesay, I did ask if it did not show up if I should stim and I was told yes...I will confirm this but I hope AF come as she should..

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cycle Update & a Schedule

Looks like things are looking up............YAY....yay...yay (happy dance)
There is goods news, and kiss my a@@ insurance news..

Kiss my a@@ news
I did Lap surgery in prep for this cycle on 7/2. The clinic was kind enough to send me a huge bill of things my insurance WOULD NOT cover yesterday, LOVELY. Me and DH are hoping that they do not require we pay this all off prior to egg transfer, no way we can afford to. Not going to stress it now.....let's not borrow tommorrow's troubles shall we.

Cycle Update/ Schedule & Good News
So my baseline was yesterday, after being on BCP ( Birth Control Pills) since 9/7. The doc said my uterus looks beautiful.......awwwww this made me blush. We did an AFC ( Antral Follicle Count) at leaast 13 on left and at least 6 on the right.....once again I want to kick righty in the ovary, clearly she is completely LAZY. Well I am focusing on lefty and hoping that all works out. They did blood draw to track E2 levels but I told myself I didn't want to let my self go crazy with numbers this cycle, as long they say good or normal I can work with that. DH could not make the appointment so the doctor wanted to know if he could "produce" on demand....I said lots of pressure but I am sure he can. Did you remember in June DH was required, yes REQUIRED to cryo-freeze his sperm for backup when they did the analysis? So I said "won't that be available" and not surprisingly there was silence. I am aware we are being nickel & dimed...I guess I see their position, ladies and gentlemen NOTHING is truly ever free. At the end of this "Free IVF" I will let you know our costs.

Protocol-OCP / Antagonist...which is Oral Contraception Pill Antagonist
I will scan it and create a tab later. I did some research since I wanted to have an idea on what exactly this would all include. Basically stims and then Cetrotride to prevent Ovulation and supposedly this protocol isn't so hard on the body and less this I am excited for.
Looking at this schedule, it shows stim for 6 days then go in for Labs? Yeah am confused too but it also shows from stim to Day 9 for trigger, it also does not include the Cetritide that the doctor ordered. I will ask about that monday, didn't see it until now which sucks I spent 2 hours there which included watching a Follistim video....while I do not plan to focus on numbers, I know I have to be my own advocate, and ensure I am getting the right info. I am not surprised though, there was a review from this clinic and a patient said something along these lines. Meds I do not play around with, also they want me to come in on Stim Day 1 to do the first injections with me. I am not worried nor do I care to do it but might to appease them. I think they have forgotten that I have been through IVF before, albeit MINI with less drugs but still Menopur and me are no strangers, the Gonal F pen looks easy peasy, but we shall see.

Scedule so far
Stop BCP 10/6
Expect menses
10/11 Start Stim ( Gonal F 225 IU & 75 Menopur as well as baby aspirin & antibiotics, and prenatals)
10/17 Labs 7:30 AM
10/20 Tentative Egg Retrieval

**The good thing about this schedule is that I have something to go off of in regards to letting my employer know am out. I am secretly HOPING egg retrieval is on the weekend so no time from work really but eitherway we will have to do what we must, this is more important.**

Update 10/7/2013
Day 2 of Stims start taking antibiotics (Doxycycline) oh how I hate this one, took it just one day post my lap in July and it made me feel awful. I know we will have to take with food to minimize the side effects.....and yeah you read right both me and DH will be taking them for 10 days. DH thinks it is a great plan. I don't know how I feel about it, I guess it doesn't matter as long as it helps, besides if it will minimize any infections during Egg Retrieval then bring it on. I have to remind myself to drop this off at the pharmacy.

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Infertility is hard. If you found my page because of my journey, then I completely understand what you are dealing with and hope you have su...